When I Think of Child Development

I'd like to say thank you to the following classmates that have been kind enough to leave comments on my posts throughout the course. You've provoked thoughts and have made me feel secure in knowing that this is what I want to do with my life. I appreciate each one of you and wish you all luck as you continue forward.







  1. I love your second quote. I live by this motto: "Children are our tomorrow; our future". So, I feel like is very important that we give them all the security, love, and skills needed to help provide a foundation for them to reach their fullest potential in a positive environment to allow them to flourish.

    Thank you for the shout outs! We have enjoyed your insightful posts as well.

  2. I love your quotes that you have shared. Thank you sharing great insight throughout this course. I have learned a lot from your post.


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