Consequences and Goals

I don't necessarily seen any consequences when it comes to learning about the international early childhood field. If anything, I think learning about how programs run around the world can only be beneficial for both my personal and professional development. It expands the wealth of knowledge I have at my disposal when working with kids that come into my own program, giving me a better grasp of other cultures, other races, and other methods that perhaps I hadn't thought about before.

Inclusivity is something that we're really pushing for in the program that I'm currently working for. And I think learning about the international early childhood field is going to help me when it comes to working towards more inclusiveness for my program. Not to mention, learning about the international early childhood field gives me insights into things that I could put to work in my own classroom or put forth as ideas for my superiors to use as stepping stones in the over all program. Personally, it also gives me a vast pool of knowledge to help myself grow into someone who has better tools to handle whatever is thrown her way.

Specifically, when looking into the field of international awareness, I want to make it a goal to be more culturally sensitive. I want to know what it is certain cultures do and don't do in terms of childcare. What they do with their children when they are home, what teachers around the world do for children in their care. With the influx of kids that are coming in and out of program from other cultures, I always feel terrible not knowing what it is that they do at home or in other childcare centers for those cultures. Knowing would make me a better teacher that is more well equipped to help the children in my care.


  1. Heeello there Delaney! Good post. I enjoyed reading your insights and I became inspired. You are so accurate in your statements about being more competent from learning about international early childhood. Blessings to you on your journey to making a difference in the world!


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