Personal Research Journey

 For this course, I'm looking into the topic of culture when it comes to teaching English as a second language. This is a topic that is very personal to me as part of my job as a teacher's assistant in an ECE program. In the last year alone, I've worked with four different children that speak a different native language, all from different cultural backgrounds. The most recent has been a Chinese student but there has been a child that spoke Russian, a child that speaks Spanish, and another that we believe speaks or at least understands French.

Culture is something that I feel like isn't talked about enough as it is, but when coupling it with discussing ESL, it's difficult to get a proper discussion about it going. Cultural competency is something that every teacher should have when working with kids anyway, but with the amount of children coming into programs that speak English as a second language, it is something that needs to be pushed for even further.

Looking at different resources this week as been an eye opener, but if anyone has any resources or thoughts on the topic, I would be greatly appreciative as I move forward in this course and look further into this topic.


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